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Notes to Self Journal, Linen

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Intelligent Change

Intelligent Change and Chelsea Kauai bring you the Notes to Self Journal. Designed for inner peace, creative self-expression, and gratitude practice, this journal is intended as a guided personal practice for cultivating self-consciousness and more moments of wonder. 

What does the Notes to Self Journal help me with?

Nurture inner peace: Inner peace means being able to stay focused on the present moment, without worrying about what happened yesterday or what might happen tomorrow. It means having enough energy to get through each day without feeling overwhelmed by stress or anxiety. It also means having the ability to manage emotions like anger and fear without letting those emotions take control of your actions or behaviours. 

By focusing on your inner peace, you can learn how to calm yourself down even when life feels chaotic. The pages are designed to help you create a space for reflection, where you can think about what's going on in your life without feeling rushed or pressured.

Creative self-expression: This journal has been designed with creativity in mind, with prompts that help you get started and pages where you can write about your thoughts and feelings. Whether you want to write about your favourite colour or tell a story from when you were younger, this journal will help inspire your inner artist.

Instil gratitude practiceWe believe it's important to live a life that is full of gratitude, but it can be hard to remember to be grateful when you're busy living your life. This journal is designed to help you instil a gratitude practice in your life, which will make everything else in it feel better.

Cultivate self-consciousness / Improve your self-awareness skills: Become more aware of the thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that are causing you anxiety. You will be able to see the connections between what triggers your anxiety and how you react to it. The journal is designed to help you learn to change these reactions so that they are more positive and healthy.

Align your actions with your highest priorities and valuesIt helps you identify the areas of your life that are getting in the way of what's most important to you, and helps you make concrete plans for how to improve them. You'll also be able to track how far away from those priorities and values each action is, and whether or not it's moving closer as time goes on.

How should I use the Notes to Self Journal?

This journal is intended to be a gentle reminder to journal. Each daily prompt invites you to reflect on your gratitude; improves your self-awareness skills; and aligns your actions with your highest priorities and values. It also has plenty of space for free journaling; weekly and guided prompts to help you get started; and a habit tracker. Your daily dose of self-reflection and self-discovery through the Notes to Self Journal includes:

  • Date & location
  • Morning gratitude: What am I celebrating?
  • Self-awareness reflection: What am I noticing?
  • Priorities of the day: What actions can I take to make my day successful?
  • Morning routine check-in: Did I follow through with my routine today?
  • Space for creative writing prompt to inspire you
  • Room for notes and free journaling


  • 100% recycled, biodegradable, and FSC certified paper
  • Bound in 100% natural linen cover fabric with gold foil printing
  • 100% cotton sew bind
  • Two 100% cotton ribbons
  • A5, measures approx 5.7” / 14.8cmW x 8.26” / 21cmH
  • Undated, lasts 3 months
  • 249 pages
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